Friday, August 31, 2007
Picture of the Day, 8/31/07
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Picture of the Day, 8/30/07
Joshua 1.1. Our Dwelling Place in All Generations
"After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord spoke to Joshua son of Nun..." (Joshua 1.1)
None of us is indispensable. This verse reminds us that generations of wonderful believers and followers of Christ come and go, but God's Word stands, and his plan continues. He speaks to the new generation, raises up new leaders, fulfills his promises in their appointed seasons, and continues to make every day of "history" His-story.
Read PSALM 90, where Moses himself reminds us of this. We are grass, short-lived and quickly forgotten. His Word abides forever. That's why we must acknowledge him as our dwelling place in every generation. That's why we must pray for him to make firm the works of our hands.
None of us is indispensable. This verse reminds us that generations of wonderful believers and followers of Christ come and go, but God's Word stands, and his plan continues. He speaks to the new generation, raises up new leaders, fulfills his promises in their appointed seasons, and continues to make every day of "history" His-story.
Read PSALM 90, where Moses himself reminds us of this. We are grass, short-lived and quickly forgotten. His Word abides forever. That's why we must acknowledge him as our dwelling place in every generation. That's why we must pray for him to make firm the works of our hands.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Picture of the Day, 8/26/07
This is the pastor from the church we've been attending the past couple of years. He and his wife and the congregation welcomed us, encouraged us, gave us fellowship and a place to serve. This morning we had our last Sunday there for awhile, as I will be taking a three-month preaching assignment, and after that, who knows? Thanks, Pastor Ken, and all our friends at SSBC!
Picture of the Day, 8/25/07
The Outline of Matthew's Gospel, VII
Jesus is betrayed, arrested and crucified. In spite of the authorities’ precautions, he rises from the dead, appears to his followers, and says, “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (28:10). This leads to Jesus’ final teaching, the Great Commission, in which he entrusts to his followers the ongoing mission of making disciples, incorporating them into the new community, and teaching them to obey the way of Jesus.
Jesus is betrayed, arrested and crucified. In spite of the authorities’ precautions, he rises from the dead, appears to his followers, and says, “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (28:10). This leads to Jesus’ final teaching, the Great Commission, in which he entrusts to his followers the ongoing mission of making disciples, incorporating them into the new community, and teaching them to obey the way of Jesus.
The Outline of Matthew's Gospel, VI
THE DIE IS CAST (Mt 19-25)
Jesus makes his way to Jerusalem. Along the way, he uses various incidents to clarify the nature of Kingdom-living to his followers. Upon arriving in the city, he confronts the religious leaders with prophetic actions, parables, debates and pronouncements of God’s judgment. In the end, he weeps for the unbelieving city and cries out, “See, your house is left to you, desolate. For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord’” (23:38-39). This leads to the Prophetic Discourse, in which he teaches his disciples about the future and his return at the consummation of history.
Jesus makes his way to Jerusalem. Along the way, he uses various incidents to clarify the nature of Kingdom-living to his followers. Upon arriving in the city, he confronts the religious leaders with prophetic actions, parables, debates and pronouncements of God’s judgment. In the end, he weeps for the unbelieving city and cries out, “See, your house is left to you, desolate. For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord’” (23:38-39). This leads to the Prophetic Discourse, in which he teaches his disciples about the future and his return at the consummation of history.
The Outline of Matthew's Gospel, V
The conflict sharpens. Jesus’ followers confess him as Messiah and he foretells his coming death in Jerusalem at the hands of the religious leaders. Jesus speaks of the different ways “the children of the Kingdom and the others” act (18:24-27). This leads to the New Community Discourse, in which he teaches his followers about to live and relate to others in the church he is forming.
The conflict sharpens. Jesus’ followers confess him as Messiah and he foretells his coming death in Jerusalem at the hands of the religious leaders. Jesus speaks of the different ways “the children of the Kingdom and the others” act (18:24-27). This leads to the New Community Discourse, in which he teaches his followers about to live and relate to others in the church he is forming.
The Outline of Matthew's Gospel, IV
Jesus begins to experience conflict from Israel’s religious leaders. At one point, Jesus prays, “I thank you, Father, that you have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and revealed them to infants” (11:25-30). This leads to the Kingdom Parables Discourse, in which Jesus uses parables to describe how God’s rule infiltrates the world during this age.
Jesus begins to experience conflict from Israel’s religious leaders. At one point, Jesus prays, “I thank you, Father, that you have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and revealed them to infants” (11:25-30). This leads to the Kingdom Parables Discourse, in which Jesus uses parables to describe how God’s rule infiltrates the world during this age.
The Outline of Matthew's Gospel, III
Jesus has a remarkable ministry of healing and performing works of power among crowds in Galilee. These stories conclude with Jesus saying, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest” (9:35-38). This leads to the Missions Discourse, in which he teaches his disciples about their participation in his mission.
Jesus has a remarkable ministry of healing and performing works of power among crowds in Galilee. These stories conclude with Jesus saying, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Pray the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest” (9:35-38). This leads to the Missions Discourse, in which he teaches his disciples about their participation in his mission.
The Outline of Matthew's Gospel, II
Jesus begins his ministry by proclaiming, “The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.” This leads to the Sermon on the Mount, in which Jesus teaches about the good news and righteousness of the Kingdom.
Jesus begins his ministry by proclaiming, “The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.” This leads to the Sermon on the Mount, in which Jesus teaches about the good news and righteousness of the Kingdom.
The Outline of Matthew's Gospel
Taking a break from Joshua, here is the first post that gives a birds-eye view of the Gospel of Matthew...
Matthew introduces Jesus by emphasizing his royal origins. His genealogical origins are taught by tracing his ancestry and telling of his birth. Jesus’ geographical origins are presented by telling of the flight to Egypt and return to Galilee. Jesus is presented as the fulfillment of Israel’s history and promises—“the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham” (1:1), “Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins” (1:21), and “Emmanuel, God with us” (1:23).
Matthew introduces Jesus by emphasizing his royal origins. His genealogical origins are taught by tracing his ancestry and telling of his birth. Jesus’ geographical origins are presented by telling of the flight to Egypt and return to Galilee. Jesus is presented as the fulfillment of Israel’s history and promises—“the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham” (1:1), “Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins” (1:21), and “Emmanuel, God with us” (1:23).
Friday, August 24, 2007
What I'm reading...
Barbara Brown Taylor has penned my favorite definition of what it means to give a sermon in her book, THE PREACHING LIFE:
"A sermon, on the other hand, is an act of creation with real risk in it, as one foolhardy human being presumes to address both God and humankind, speaking to each on the other's behalf and praying to get out of the pulpit alive."
"A sermon, on the other hand, is an act of creation with real risk in it, as one foolhardy human being presumes to address both God and humankind, speaking to each on the other's behalf and praying to get out of the pulpit alive."
Picture of the Day, 8/24/07. Happy Birthday!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Picture of the Day, 8/21/07
Have I not commanded you? (Joshua 1.1-9)
Joshua 1.1-9 is dominated by imperatives and promises. Some examples:
God's commands always lead to questions—Have we heard them? Are we listening? Do we understand what our Lord requires? Have we grasped the resources that are available to us in him? What will we do with what he has said to us?
What has he said to you?
- Cross the Jordan
- Be strong and courageous
- Be careful to act in accordance with the Torah, do not turn to the left or right
- Meditate on the Torah day and night
- Every place your foot will tread upon I have given to you
- No one shall be able to stand against you all the days of your life
- As I was with Moses, so I will be with you
- I will not fail you or forsake you
God's commands always lead to questions—Have we heard them? Are we listening? Do we understand what our Lord requires? Have we grasped the resources that are available to us in him? What will we do with what he has said to us?
What has he said to you?
Monday, August 20, 2007
Word (Joshua 1.1-9)
Joshua begins where our spiritual lives begin...with a word from God. In Joshua 1.1-9 we see that God's Word is:
- A word of revelation, inviting us to enter into life and mission with God
- A word of possibility, opening up new worlds and futures before us
- A word of tradition, linking us with the past as well as the future
- A word that nourishes, calling us to chew on and digest it
- A word that commands, requiring us to order our lives by it
- A word that sustains, strengthening us to face our challenges with courage
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Picture of the Day, 8/19/07
Picture of the Day, 8/18/07
My older son Jesse's team at Franklin College has their intrasquad scrimmage this afternoon. We love football season.
What I'm Reading...Aug 2007
Today, a challenging thought from Barbara Brown Taylor's insightful and imagination-stirring book, THE PREACHING LIFE...
"But affirming the ministry of every baptized Christian is not an idea that appeals to many lay people today. It sounds like more work, and most of them have all the work they can do. It sounds like more responsibility, while most of them are staggering under loads that are already too heavy. I will never forget the woman who listened to my speech on the ministry of the laity as God's best hope for the world and said, "I'm sorry, but I don't want to be that important.
"Like many of those who sit beside her at church, she hears the invitation to ministry as an invitation to do more—to lead the every-member canvass, or cook supper for the homeless, or teach vacation church school. Or she hears the invitation to ministry as an invitation to be more—to be more generous, more loving, more religious. No one has ever introduced her to the idea that her ministry might involve being just who she already is and doing just what she already does with one difference: namely, that she understand herself to be God's person in and for the world." (p. 28f)
"But affirming the ministry of every baptized Christian is not an idea that appeals to many lay people today. It sounds like more work, and most of them have all the work they can do. It sounds like more responsibility, while most of them are staggering under loads that are already too heavy. I will never forget the woman who listened to my speech on the ministry of the laity as God's best hope for the world and said, "I'm sorry, but I don't want to be that important.
"Like many of those who sit beside her at church, she hears the invitation to ministry as an invitation to do more—to lead the every-member canvass, or cook supper for the homeless, or teach vacation church school. Or she hears the invitation to ministry as an invitation to be more—to be more generous, more loving, more religious. No one has ever introduced her to the idea that her ministry might involve being just who she already is and doing just what she already does with one difference: namely, that she understand herself to be God's person in and for the world." (p. 28f)
Friday, August 17, 2007
Picture of the Day, 8/17/07
Joshua..a prophetic book
In our English Bibles, Joshua is the first book in the section known as the HISTORICAL BOOKS, which traces Israel's history from the entrance into Canaan until the return from Exile.
- Joshua
- Judges
- Ruth
- 1-2 Samuel
- 1-2 Kings
- 1-2 Chronicles
- Ezra
- Nehemiah
- Esther
- Joshua
- Judges
- Samuel
- Kings
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Picture of the Day, 8/16/07
Series Outline
Here is the proposed outline for our studies in Joshua...
- Word (Josh 1.1-9)
- Fellowship (Josh 1.10-18)
- Faith (Josh 2)
- Power (Josh 3)
- Testimony (Josh 4)
- Discipline (Josh 5:1-12)
- Worship (Josh 5:13-15)
- Victory (Josh 6)
- Covenant (Josh 24)
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