Friday, September 28, 2007

A Surprising Story of Salvation (Joshua 2)

“The LORD your God is indeed God in heaven above and on earth below.” (Joshua 2.11)

God gave his people Israel the gift of the land of Canaan as he had foretold to Abraham (Gen 15:16). One aspect of the process involved God executing his righteous judgment on the wickedness of the land’s inhabitants (Deuteronomy 9:4-5, 20:16-18).

However, God’s surprising way always involves providing salvation in the midst of judgment. Rahab (Josh 2) is the first example of this in the Book of Joshua. Almost everything in this story is a surprise, but the biggest one is that this “woman of the evening” shows herself to be a person of faith and good works, who hides the Israelite spies and confesses her faith in the true and living God. By faith, she becomes hero of the story (Hebrews 11:31).

Rahab receives salvation and saves the day!

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